Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What our kids and grandchildren eat at school

Okay, children don't often like being left out but this time I think they would like it if they were not included among the swath of people affected by Frankenfoods. Now, we have a view at the unsanitary conditions their frankenfoods are prepared for their consumption in our school systems. Click here to watch the video clip and then have a conversation with your children and/or grandchildren about it, too.

Eat well and be well!
Marlon Wade
Staff Writer
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

Monday, January 29, 2007

Soy health benefits

Soybeans and soyfoods are healthy. While soybeans are part of a smart diet because they're high in protein, new research points to other significant benefits from soy - most importantly, its apparent role in reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases.

Soy and Heart Disease

Soy in a Risk-Reducing Diet

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in United States, killing more than 100 people every hour. But soyfoods may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Soyfoods are not only low in saturated fat and free of cholesterol, but contain proteins which have been shown to directly lower blood cholesterol, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.

In addition, only soyfoods are rich in a group of phytochemical compounds called isoflavones which may work to reduce the risk of heart disease. Isoflavones are found in significant amounts only in soybeans and soyfoods, such as tofu, soymilk, tempeh and textured soy protein.

Soy and Cholesterol Reduction

High blood cholesterol levels are a primary contributor to heart disease. Approximately 40 million Americans have blood cholesterol levels that are too high. But many studies have shown that among such people, soy protein can reduce high blood cholesterol levels by 10 to 15% – enough to cut the chances of a heart attack by up to 30%.

As little as 25 grams of soy protein per day may be enough to lower cholesterol levels, and greater amounts – 25 to 50 grams per day – are likely to lead to greater cholesterol decreases. This amount of soy protein can be found in one cup of cooked soybeans, one cup of tempeh or one cup of roasted soy nuts.

Inhibiting Cholesterol Oxidation

Soy protein inhibits cholesterol oxidation. Oxidized cholesterol is cholesterol that has undergone structural changes because of exposure to oxygen. Only oxidized cholesterol can damage arteries. In test tubes, a compound in soybeans called genistein has been found to inhibit the growth of cells that form artery-clogging plaque.

For more information on heart disease, click here to go to the American Heart Association Internet site.

Marlon Wade
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I bet you don't forget what you see

We recognize that all people will be as passionate about edenic foods as we advocate but everyone can appreciate this brief video on Dr. Mercola's website. It's an animated short about the medical establishment and its thinking. The film has led to quite a bit of controversy because it it exposes a reality that was meant to remain hidden. View it here.

Eat well and be well!

Marlon Wade
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

Friday, January 26, 2007

Not for coffee drinkers only

It’s funny, when nutritionists try to sell you on the idea of consuming cocoa for whatever benefit exists, one way they do so is by pointing out that cocoa is less harmful than coffee. However, that’s a discussion for another day. Right now, we’re talking about coffee. Americans, individually on average, drink 28 gallons of coffee per year despite the significant health problems it can cause. Maybe they just don’t know how potent and addictive a drug caffeine really is. Then, again, maybe they do and that’s why they must have it every morning before they do anything else. It reminds me of methadone patients who have to begin their days with a dose before they can do anything else. Interestingly enough, coffee was prescribed by herb doctors in Europe a few centuries back as treatment for opium and alcohol sedation due to its stimulant effect. They didn’t yet have methadone way back then.

Anyway, if you’re a coffee drinker you will know about the touted healing properties (e.g., stamina boost, weight loss, stimulant, fix for jet lag, asthma attack prevention) but there is only one healthful benefit for which I recommend coffee. Here it is: it’s the best natural enema you can use. Yes, you read that right. Coffee enemas work wonders to clean out the colon more thoroughly than you can imagine and it’s all natural -–no pharmaceuticals involved. Okay, there you have it. That’s my one recommendation for coffee use.

We’ll have lots more to say about this drug beverage in widespread use all over the globe so check our blog every day. You’ll find many golden nuggets of information about all sorts of health and natural foods.

Eat well and be well!

Marlon Wade
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Don't help cancer

The Alternative Medicine Guide states:

"Caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate, is thought to be a factor for cancer of the lower urinary tract, including the bladder. Studies have found the rates for these cancers to be significantly higher in people who drink more than three cups of coffee per day" (Simon, Yen & Cole, 1975).

Yeah, I know, that chocolate thing is a real kicker but ya' gotta do what ya' gotta do where your health is concerned. It is far better than having to deal with chemotherapy treatments and I've seen more people go through that upclose than most except for nurses and doctors. Just use some preventive nutrient-rich treatments instead--eat right, right now. I bet you didn't know that chocolate has been made from blood and is on its way to the US marketplace from Russia as we speak. If you're thinking it will be easy for you not to eat any such product, make the same decision now about not consuming caffeinated products.
Eat well and be well!
Marlon Wade
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Do you have osteoporosis?

If you do, we strongly recommend the following to you:
  • Consume lots of foods which are high in vitamin D and calcium including "broccoli, chestnuts, clams, dandelion greens, most dark green leafy vegetables, flounder, hazelnuts, kale, kelp, molasses, oats, oysters, salmon, sardines (with the bones), sea vegetables, sesamae seeds, shrimp, soybeans, tahini (sesame butter), tofu, turnip greens, and wheat germs" (Balch & Balch, 2000).
  • Pursue physical activity as the lack of it may lead to the loss of calcium but can be turned around through exercise. Walking is particularly good for sustaining bone mass.
It's a good idea, too, stop drinking soda because its very high acidity depletes your bone mass. Do soda makers know this? Of course, they do. The better question to ask is, what will you do now that you know it also?
Eat well and be well!

Marlon Wade
Web Manager
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Antioxidants can be Tasty and Healthy

I'm not touting only soy polyphenols (see phytochemicals also) here but rather the healthful antioxidant properties which may be found in polyphenols in general. You have choices in this area between soybeans, grapes (whole red grapes, that is), and even in red wine (which, as you know, is made from red grapes). Although, it is in a less concentrated form in grapes and red wine. There are others, too. God provided abundant ways to nourish you through clean foods (i.e., natural foods).

It's ironic, there is controversy in the field of study about how relevant biomarkers are as predictors of disease risk but, polyphenols have been found to "clearly improve the status of different oxidative stress biomarkers" (Scalbert, Johnson, & Saltmarsch, 2005) as published in the supplemental issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Polyphenol rich plants and their extracts, too, have been used on a widespread basis as herbal remedies or medicinal agents in aiding the 'healing of wounds, burns and inflammations as they act to produce an impervious layer by which the natural processes of healing can happen' Dolara et al., 2001). They appear, also, to purify or cleanse the blood stream.

Don't expect pharmaceutical companies to do much in this area as success would defeat the profit-making motive of their existence which is ensured by the abundant side effects of their drugs and pills.

Eat well and be well!

1. Am J Clin Nutr 2005; 81(suppl):215S–7S.
2. C. Chèze et al. (eds.), Polyphenols, Wine and Health 2001, 49-66.

Marlon Wade
Web Manager
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

Thank You!

Just wanted to say thanks to Sanaz in tech support who personally relisted our files on the server so our site could be up again. It was much appreciated and it was a good customer service experience.

Eat well and be well!

Marlon Wade
Web Manager
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

Friday, January 19, 2007

Website restored

Our Web host had server problems beginning day before yesterday and our site was down for almost two days. This was the first time any such even had occurred since we launched our Website in 2004. Moreover, two days downtime seems an inordinately long period of time and I have already begun to research alternative hosting companies. I'm watching the situation to see how things play out before taking the next step.

We apologize to any and everyone for any inconvenience the downtime may have caused.

Eat well and be well!

Web Manager
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

Thursday, January 18, 2007


You will have noticed that we've published a new Website and a newly added Welcome page as well. We'll be making more additions as time permits. As usual, we're continuing our focus on keeping a relentless drive for quality and good taste standards with a eye toward offering the best products to the people we serve.

The first newsletter of the new year has just been sent (you should already have that) and I can't encorage you more to have a look at the free video linked to the newsletter. It's free if you view it online but otherwise you will have to purchase the DVD. I think everyone in America and around the globe ought to know what's been done and being done with our food sources without us being told. We will continue to keep you informed as we are continually learning new things all the time.

in case you're wondering what happened to all the images of our delicious baked goods on the Website, they're not gone but are being photoshopped at the moment and will be re-published soon enough.

Our cafe is still open for business so don't let the construction bother you. It will be completed soon.

My recommendation to everyone wanting Rum Cakes should order them as soon as possible to avoid having to wait in line. Fresh takes more time but it's always worth the wait. We make it that way every time, guaranteed.

Eat well and be well!

Marlon Wade,
Staff Writer