Friday, January 26, 2007

Not for coffee drinkers only

It’s funny, when nutritionists try to sell you on the idea of consuming cocoa for whatever benefit exists, one way they do so is by pointing out that cocoa is less harmful than coffee. However, that’s a discussion for another day. Right now, we’re talking about coffee. Americans, individually on average, drink 28 gallons of coffee per year despite the significant health problems it can cause. Maybe they just don’t know how potent and addictive a drug caffeine really is. Then, again, maybe they do and that’s why they must have it every morning before they do anything else. It reminds me of methadone patients who have to begin their days with a dose before they can do anything else. Interestingly enough, coffee was prescribed by herb doctors in Europe a few centuries back as treatment for opium and alcohol sedation due to its stimulant effect. They didn’t yet have methadone way back then.

Anyway, if you’re a coffee drinker you will know about the touted healing properties (e.g., stamina boost, weight loss, stimulant, fix for jet lag, asthma attack prevention) but there is only one healthful benefit for which I recommend coffee. Here it is: it’s the best natural enema you can use. Yes, you read that right. Coffee enemas work wonders to clean out the colon more thoroughly than you can imagine and it’s all natural -–no pharmaceuticals involved. Okay, there you have it. That’s my one recommendation for coffee use.

We’ll have lots more to say about this drug beverage in widespread use all over the globe so check our blog every day. You’ll find many golden nuggets of information about all sorts of health and natural foods.

Eat well and be well!

Marlon Wade
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

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