Sunday, February 18, 2007

How to stop heart disease

You may have heard of the Dutch study, called the Leiden Intervention Trial, in which 35 men and 4 women with at least one constricted coronary artery of 50 percent or more due to heart disease, which showed clearly that heart disease can be stopped for some people through a low-cholesterol diet.

How’d they do that, you ask. By eating a vegetarian diet for two years with less than 100 milligrams of cholesterol a day and by eating double the amount of polyunsaturated fat than saturated fat. For 46 percent of the study participants at the end, arterial disease had not progressed at all. For the 46 percent which saw a halt in the progression of coronary disease, lower cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels was the key. The participants with higher cholesterol/HDLs did not see a stop in the progression of their heart disease.

The next time you’re tempted to buy or consume some genetically modified food, remember this if you are 20 years of age or higher.

Eat well and be well!

Marlon Wade
Staff Writer
Café Soy, LLC
"We make good taste a healthy habit."

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